The Curriculum
St William of York is committed to ensuring that children are excited about their learning. We aim to make purposeful links between subjects and use good quality texts as a stimulus for writing, and discovery about our world. We want children to experience wonder and awe, and to recognise their own gifts. We expect children to work hard, and to have high expectations, always striving to learn and do their very best through extra effort and learning from our experiences.
The school uses RWInc and The Oxford Reading Tree, alongside high quality texts to teach reading. In addition, all classes use CLPE's Power of Reading and The Literary Leaves Curriculum to enthuse and motivate the children to read exciting and challenging texts.
We have recently reviewed our choice of texts and the books we have chosen to inspire our learning, provide a rich resource for exploring diversity, acceptance and provide positive role models for our children. We will use these to spark conversations about understanding those around us, acceptance and understanding and also to challenge stereotypes.
The school uses the Maths Mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics, and uses White Rose Maths to support planning for teaching, learning and progress.
We aim to arrange curriculum events and workshops for parents each year, so that they feel able to support the children's learning.
For more information, please make an appointment to speak to your child's class teacher.
We use some computer based programmes to support learning at home and at school. Please click on the links to take you to the log in page:
Purple Mash
The school used Google Classroom to provide Remote Learning during Covid 19, and continues to use Google Classroom as an integral part of our Teaching and Learning.
Individual Curriculum Maps for each year group can be found on the Key Information page on our website.