Welcome from the Headteacher
If you are looking for a small school, with a supportive community, and where everyone gets to know your child, their likes and dislikes, and recognises their individuality and uniqueness - then, St William of York is the school for you!
St William of York is a one form entry Catholic Voluntary Aided Primary School, which opened in 1970. It is situated next door to the parish church of St. William of York. St William of York Primary School serves to educate the children of the Catholic community in Forest Hill. The partnership between the parish, the home and the school strengthens each family's faith development and is integral to all that we do in school. The school aims to provide a learning environment, within a Christian setting, in which the children can grow in understanding of God's love for them.
Our last Ofsted inspection was in October 2022
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils are very happy and kept safe at this school. They care about one another and treat each other with the utmost kindness and respect. Right from the start of the early years , they learn to take turns and listen carefully to their classmates .The playground is a friendly and fun place for pupils to play, with o older pupils supporting younger ones to enjoy their breaktimes. By the end of Year 6, pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their education.
This is because leaders have high expectations and ensure that pupils learn well in all subjects. Pupils find their learning enjoyable and stimulating. They work hard and achieve well across the curriculum Children in the early years get off to particularly strong start to school.
Pupils are taught to respect each others differences. They learn to take responsibility for their own behaviour and behave exceptionally well. Adults deal with any concerns, including bullying or disagreements, quickly and effectively. Pupils said that they trust adults to keep them safe.
Parents and carers are exceedingly positive about the role that the school plays in supporting their children and the local community. They appreciate the hard work of leaders and staff in creating a safe, nurturing environment for children.
I have been privileged to be headteacher of St William of York since 2005, and I have worked here as a teacher for 32 years. My Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Hayley Mayers, has also worked at SWOY for 13 years. I am proud to work with a fabulous team of staff, governors and parents. Our children are a delight, and a joy to work with, and we all love to come to school each day! You will read later on the website that I am due to retire in July 2024, but I am delighted that Hayley mayer, my Deputy headteacher, has been appointed as our new headteacher. You are guaranteed stability and strong leadership, with continuity of our lovely and unique ethos and high expectations.
We are committed to ensuring that your child grows in confidence, develops their gifts and skills, learning to relish a challenge, and grow in their learning through a rich and vibrant curriculum. During their time at SWOY, they will learn to recognise their talents, be proud of their achievements and progress and know how to be kind and thoughtful towards others. You are welcome to telephone the school office and make an appointment to see the school, and meet with me.
If you would like a paper copy of any of the information on this website, please speak to Mrs Roper in the School Office, and we can arrange copies for you (there may be a small charge for photocopying).
Best Wishes
Sharon Lynch (Headteacher)