Managing Marking, Making Progress
We now have recently revised our procedures for Marking and Feedback.
Pupils are actively involved in assessing their own work and judging their own progress in each lesson. During the lesson, a child may be given 'Fast Feedback' from a teacher, or one of their classmates. This will aim to give them guidance to quickly improve their work.
At the end of a lesson, the children are asked to assess their own outcomes. They have 3 choices:
Blue = I need more help, please!
Green = I got it!
Pink = I have mastered today's lesson and I can now explain my learning to someone else!
The teacher will then check your child's work against the Success Criteria set for each lesson and confirm or change the child's evaluation.
If a child is 'Blue' then the teacher will make time to offer additional support/input for those children or start the next lesson with a recap for them.
In each lesson, the children will be given additional options - there will be aspects that they MUST do, some that they can TRY, and others that they can be BRAVE in trying! Success Criteria will have clear guidelines about how they can challenge themselves with a MUST, TRY, or BRAVE option!
You can find our ‘Managing Marking, Making Progress Policy’ in this section.