Complaints Procedure
The partnership between the parent and the school is integral to the ethos and mission of the Catholic school and should be characterised by a mutual respect by which parents feel they are able to bring their concerns to the attention of someone in the school, at any time, with the expectation they will be listened to and their concerns addressed.
Not all concerns are complaints. A concern is an issue raised by a parent, pupil or other person that is resolved quickly and informally. Most concerns are resolved by the person to whom the concern is addressed e.g. the class teacher or the subject coordinator.
If a concern is not resolved, then it may be necessary to proceed to the Complaints Procedure (see below). If you want to proceed with a formal complaint, you will need to email you concern using the proforma in the policy to and it will be passed on to the appropriate person.
Every effort should be made to allay concerns at this level and with the least possible formality. The ideal is that no concern should ever become a formal complaint.
SEN Concerns and Complaints
If you wish you to complain about the schools' SEN provision for your child, the first step is to speak to the SENCo, Mrs Hayley Mayers. Please make an appointment to see them and we will always do our best to resolve any concerns that you may have, and explain the provision made for your child. We work closely with outside agencies, so can support you to ensure that referrals are purposeful and benefit your child.
If you do not feel that your concern has been resolved, then arrange to see the Headteacher. The next step will be to follow the Complaints Procedure, and to seek advice from the LA allocated SEN officer, if your child has an EHCP.
Further advice can be found from Lewisham Sendiass ( and the Lewisham Parent and Carer Forum (