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Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Each and every child is unique, and may have different talents and skills. Sometimes, children may need additional support in order to access the curriculum or to ensure that they reach their full potential. St William of York celebrates and rejoices in each child's individuality and is fully inclusive.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Ms Zoe Thorn, will offer advice and guidance to teachers and parents. If you are worried about your child's progress or behaviour, then speak to the class teacher initially who may suggest that an appointment is made with Ms Zoe Thorn. The school seeks additional expert advice from a range of outside agencies; Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Educational Psychologists, CAMHS, Social Services, Specific Learning Difficulties team, the ASD outreach team and others.

If you would like to contact the SENCo, email  or telephone the school office 020 8690 2842.

Information for parents of pupils with an Education Health Care Plan

The SEN Case Officer for St William of York is:

Jonathan Baker

If you have any queries, please contact the SEN duty:

tel: 020 3049 1475